Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Slow, Snowy, Saturday Morning

It seems like every Friday night when I plan to sleep in the next morning, I wake up early and have to get out of bed.  Once I'm awake, I'm awake and just can't seem to luxuriate in those extra hours of Saturday morning relaxation.  Perhaps I'm too programmed to get up and get going, which I see as a personal short-coming.  Saturday-morning sleepers are to be envied.  Oh, to fall back to sleep, resume a dream, and wake up long after the day has started.  I guess those mornings are better suited to teenagers who really do benefit from sleeping in.  Since my teenage years are many decades behind me, I'm better off putting these early morning hours to good use:  what better than taking a few minutes to put in a little blog time?

The photo on this post was taken this morning, from my living room window (she says with a little bit of accomplishment, from my cell phone!).  It looks like we have a good 10-inches of the white stuff, so far, with predictions that it will continue to snow throughout the day and into tonight.  Fortunately, it is a light, feathery snow, falling so slowly that my eyes can follow individual snowflakes as they descend.  It's really very pretty (though by March I will surely detest the sight of even one snowflake).  This is our first big snowstorm of the season.  We were spared the post-Christmas snowstorm that crippled New York City and much of the east coast.  Snowstorms are fine if you don't have to go anywhere.  My long ride home from work last night was tricky and the closer I got to our country home, the worse it became.  I was very glad to pull in to the driveway, make it all the way up, and get out of the car!

As I posted on my facebook page, I greet this snowed-in weekend with gratitude.  Since before Christmas, every day has been busy.  This is the first day that I've had nothing to do and nowhere to go, and that feels good.  I have to de-Christmas my little home, which will take longer than you might think because I have so much to put away.  Last week, my son-in-law Bill took one look at my table-top Christmas tree and said "I can't believe how many ornaments you have."  My reply:  "Wait 35 years, and you'll have a lot of ornaments on your tree, too."  In addition to the tree, there are garlands of greenery, Victorian houses, Christmas blankets and pillows all to be packed up and stored until 11-months from now when it won't seem so long since they've been displayed.  My father was right, the older you get, the faster time goes.  My sister Patsy and I comment on that all the time.  Remember when the thought of a year away seemed an eternity?  Well, eternity seems in fast-forward mode these days!  It's good to take some time to slow down.  My day will be spent quietly here and not-so-quietly downstairs with little Henry and Peter, and I hope that time goes very slowly.  I want to enjoy every second of their baby- and toddler-hood, since I was so busy with my own little ones that their childhoods flew by much too quickly. 

I hope you have a slow, relaxing, and enjoyable weekend!

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