Friday, February 12, 2010

Thoughts about Valentine's Day

I realize that Valentine's Day is designated the day to celebrate love between two people, but it really extends beyond that limited realm.  My fondest memories of Valentine's Day are not of sentimental cards or lavish gifts from a boyfriend or husband.  The most cherished memories revolve around childhood, the exchange of Valentines in school when I was a child, or the little hand-made gifts from my own children, and especially the happiness they experienced when they got a Valentine from me. 

One Valentine's Day when my children were young, I gave each of them a single chocolate rose, wrapped in beautiful foil.  It wasn't expensive but they were joyful at receiving it.  Some years it was roses, other years perhaps a small heart-shaped box of chocolates or conversation  hearts -- it didn't matter what it was, it was in the remembering each other that the memory was formed. 

There are times when just a card or a note is enough.  To be remembered is enough, for me.  Still, I'll be baking those heart-shaped sugar cookies this weekend, some for Russ, some for my grandson Henry, and for my kids, to let them know they're in my heart.  I'm happy to think Henry may have a fond memory of this Valentine's Day and his Grandma. 

Meghan, your cookies are on their way to you in California!



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